Monday, June 21, 2010

double take

i found my gem of a headboard while walking home to our nob hill studio in sf. at first glance i new it was a keeper. my cousin, who was with me at the time kept asking me if i was sure i wanted it and that she would be MORE the happy to take it off my hands but i new better. unfortunately for her i knew it would make a perfect fit to our 70's inspired pad.

a couple of weeks ago the mister and i were watching harold & maude and low and behold our much loved  wicker head board was used not once but twice in maude's over cluttered appartment! i was so thrilled to see it!! to think that someone in 1971 saw the very same heardboard and was able to purchase it new at a store. i can imaging the orginal owners house....brown shag carpet, macrame pot holders, wood paneled walls, owls, splashes of orange & green throughout the house, velvet and heavy stripes....don't you just love the 70's....

well when we moved from the city to our new hayward casa there was no question that our work of art wicker head board was coming with us. this is my spin on a modern 70's bedroom equipped with mexican embroidered folk art, unmatching 70's pillow cases and a green, brown, orange afghan but it wouldn't have been accomplished without the head board. Thanks to whomever left it on the street in nob hill your trash was definitely my coveted treasure <3



  1. The wicker headboards is excellent!
    Yes, some of my most incredible finds were left curbside for the trash man. :)

  2. i miss that about SF there was ALWAYS amazing things on the street!

  3. OMG that is an amazing headboard. Usually, I'm all about the metal/iron ones, but yours is great!

  4. i love that we always find treasures on the streets in sf too. love the color coordination you have going on, great choices of colors.

  5. That is a pretty sweet headboard. And I always get excited when something of mine is in a movie that I like. If I were you, I'd start calling it my Harold and Maude headboard.

    And as you said, Jeremy Brett IS Holmes. You're completely right.


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